Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Learning Walks: Week Beginning Monday 14th November 2011

Learning Walks

Week Beginning Monday 14th November 2011

This week we have been visiting year 8 lessons to look at Learning Intentions, Success Criteria and Metacognition.  As with last week, this week’s post will hopefully promote some discussion on how best we share our learning objectives and success criteria with students.  Suggestions and comments on how to develop best practice will be gratefully received.

The practice witnessed this week was really impressive.  There were lots of really good examples of learning intentions being shared with students.  On the whole it is fair to say that in this learning walk the majority of students knew what they were trying to learn and what they needed to do to be successful.  On occasions success criteria were framed in the context of work being “skilled” or “excellent”.   In addition to this there were really good examples of students being encouraged to think about why work achieved a particular grade or about the reasoning behind taking a particular approach to a task or problem.  However, as a school we still have work to do to ensure that there is consistency to our practice.

18 lessons were visited this week.

We have one more round of learning walks beginning on the 21st November then over the next few weeks we are going to have a break. This is to try to help create a little space to give everyone time to arrange and organise their lesson observations.  We would like all members of staff to have had their first lesson observation by the time we break up for Christmas.  It is important that we do this as it provides you with important evidence in support of your performance management.  We will return to our learning walks after the holidays.

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