Thank you to the PE department who welcomed us for this week’s Literacy Learning Walks. We enjoyed spending time in KS3 lessons and seeing the display work in a KS4 classroom.
It was also wonderful to see student Leaders teaching younger children using instruction skills: could it be that when we give students responsibility we are helping to develop their understanding of how to organise and present their ideas?
Displays and classroom environments
· New Key Stage Four displays which gave a range of key words and ideas to develop students’ understanding of how to structure and develop written work. There were a wide range of options for students to choose from, enabling both challenge and support.
Active teaching of Literacy-related skills
· Strong focus on understanding performance-related vocabulary and key terms. For example, students’ verbal descriptions of rugby skills were always followed up with the requirement to give technical terms (this is a regular mini-plenary after each practical activity).
· Clear focus on the value of students’ speaking and listening skills. For example, in a badminton lesson, students gathered in pairs to discuss their progress, making use of key words and phrases outlined by their teacher.
If you would also like to display the Marking Codes in your classroom and/or stick copies in students’ books, please don’t forget that they can be found in Staff/Staff Resources/Literacy Resources/Marking and Assessment Support.
The Literacy Resources folder in the Staff/Staff Resources area also contains:
o a Writing Skills folder containing Non-Fiction Writing Guides
o a Reading Skills folder containing guidance about DARTs activities
o copies of Literacy Mats and a range of subject-specific materials, grouped under subject area
o a 2012 Literacy Guidance folder containing copies of INSET materials, overviews given to Departments and outlines of the year.
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