Saturday, 22 December 2012

Literacy News (3: 17th December 2012)

Thank you to the ICT and Business Departments who welcomed us for last week’s Literacy Learning Walks. We spent time in KS4 classrooms and noticed many areas of good practice in supporting our students’ literacy needs and development.

Displays and classroom environments:
·         Some very effective use of classroom display such as definitions of key words and terms.
·         Student work on display: high quality and clearly produced with care and awareness of the importance of presentation.

Active teaching of Literacy-related skills
·         Students are given examples of the written texts they are expected to produce and are encouraged to use these as models.
·         Some excellent one-to-one support was given to students who were structuring essays: discussing the best ways to start an essay.
·         Literacy Mats which focus on success criteria.

To think about:
·         How can we best support students’ understanding of exam and assessment-related terms and writing styles, especially when they become more complex as we move towards higher grades? Students (and teachers!) have to demonstrate a very wide range of literacy-based skills such as: annotation, analysis, evaluation, report, design, contrast. Would the preparation of support materials for KS4 planners be helpful?

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